Green Acres Baptist Church
901 Elberta Road
Warner Robins, Georgia 31093
Senior Pastor Job Description
The pastor must meet the biblical qualifications as written in: 1 Timothy 3: 1-7.
The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task. Therefore, an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, and able to teach, not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive, for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God's church? He must not be a recent convert, or he may be- come puffed up with conceit and fall into the condemnation of the devil. Moreover, he must be well thought of by outsiders, so that he may not fall into disgrace, into a snare of the devil.
The pastor is responsible for leading the church to function as a New Testament church. Promote the welfare and oversight of the church body. The pastor is the under-shepherd of the church and should shepherd the flock in divine worship, aggressive evangelism, deliberate discipline, and compassionate ministry. As such, he will lead the congregation, the organizations, and the pastoral staff to perform their tasks. The pastor will counsel with the deacon fellowship and be responsible to the church.
It is of primary importance that the pastor should be unaccusable and irreproachable. He must be “one against whom no indictable charge can be laid.” He shall also have only one living wife (cannot be divorced) and the spouse, also have but one living husband (cannot be divorced). He should be a model of faithful devotion to one spouse, committed to the sanctity of the marriage bed. He must be willing to pay the price necessary to guard and protect the unity and doctrines of the church against heresy and apostasy. He must be of sound mind and judgment, a man who lives in accordance with God’s standards, and a promoter of Christian love and family life. He must be able to feed the flock with the meat of the word.
The man of God should totally abstain from the use of alcohol. The pastor is to fight the spiritual battle with biblical instruments of warfare. He is not motivated by the desire for personal financial gain. He is to be a man of patience. A pastor will conduct himself with all dignity and not follow the ways of the world. The man of God is not covetous of anything or anyone.
The pastor recognizes his responsibility to be the head of his home and must accept the responsibilities that go with the position and be the head like Jesus is the head of the church. He is to be the spiritual leader and guide for the family relationships.
The pastor needs to be a mature, tried and tested man of faith; able to properly manage the ministry of the church. He must maintain a good reputation and testimony to those who are outside the church. His conduct and character in the community are models of Christ-like virtue to the unbelieving world.
Responsibilities (Not all inclusive):
Personal Life:
· The Senior Pastor shall strive to grow his relationship with God.
· He shall spend time daily in personal worship.
· He shall continue his biblical education.
· The Senior Pastor shall be a role model for all members of the church.
Church Ministry:
· The Senior Pastor will be responsible for counseling church members when needed.
· He shall focus on continued growth for church membership through organizing regular church outreach. Additionally, the Senior Pastor shall be responsible for the organization and conduct of a process for acknowledging weekly worship service visitor contact. Each of these responsibilities may include ensuring applicable Sunday School class is aware of weekly visitors in their age group class.
· He shall be completely knowledgeable and compliant with the requirements of the latest version of the GABC Constitution and By-Laws (C&BL) to include the CB&L Attachment 1 (Notification and Voting Schedule).
· He shall be responsible for providing leadership and guidance of the GABC committees, deacons, pastoral staff and church support staff in God’s Word.
· Serves as an ex-officio non-voting member of all ministry teams and committees.
· The Senior Pastor shall be responsible for scheduling leadership meetings/training for all ministry leaders in the church.
· Equip, teach, and train the deacons to do the work of the ministry.
· The Senior Pastor will attend all regularly scheduled events, including but not limited to, Sunday morning & Sunday evening services and weekly prayer meetings when possible.
· The Senior Pastor will minister to the church at all regular and appointed times of worship and service, and to the needs of individual members as his time permits.
· The Senior Pastor will meet regularly with the Associate Pastor(s).
· He will be responsible for visiting the congregation members at hospitals, nursing homes and funeral homes. This is a shared responsibility with Associate Pastor(s) and Deacons.
· Conduct the Lord’s Supper, baptisms, parent/child dedications, and other special services.
· The Senior Pastor will disciple and help mature others to do the work of the ministry.
· Conduct funerals and perform both pre-marital counseling and weddings.
· Teach correct doctrine and refute false teaching.
· Lead in church discipline.
· Be accountable before God and the church membership for the faithful discharge of his duties.
· When the church organization has a need to fill Associate Pastor positions, the Senior Pastor, through the Personnel Committee, shall evaluate the need, write a job description(s), and determine the salary package for church membership approval.
· Upon approval of the position and salary package, the Senior Pastor, through the Personnel Committee, may proceed to fill the position.
Church Administration:
· The Senior Pastor shall be required to secure his pulpit supply when he plans to be away. If he cannot, he is responsible for getting the Associate Pastor(s) to lead the church. If the Associate Pastor(s) cannot fill in, the Senior Pastor is responsible for finding a qualified minister, to be paid a designated amount determined by the Finance Committee in conjunction with the Personnel Committee.
· The Pastor shall be required to do annual performance evaluations on the Associate Pastor(s), support staff and outside administrative operations employed.
· Gives direction and coordinates the duties of the Associate Pastor(s) and support staff as to fulfillment of those duties in accordance with their respective job descriptions.
Pastoral Accountability:
· Associate Pastors are accountable to the Senior Pastor for adherence to ministerial policies and procedures. The Senior Pastor, in turn, is accountable to the Personnel Committee to include written notification of requested vacation time using the “Time Off Request Form” as required in the GABC Pastoral Staff Handbook, paragraph 3.1.3.
· The Senior Pastor, through the Personnel Committee, shall have the authority and responsibility to dismiss an Associate Pastor(s) and support staff when valid reasons deem it necessary.
· The Senior Pastor shall serve as moderator or appoint a responsible church member to serve as moderator, at all business meetings of the church.
· The Senior Pastor must be ordained.
· This position requires a minimum of 40 hours per week.
· The Senior Pastor shall be available to the congregation on a 24/7 basis in times of need.
· A regular office schedule must be established and coordinated with the Personnel Committee.
· Sunday is a regular workday and cannot be considered as one of the two regular scheduled days off.
· The Senior Pastor shall miss no more than 5 given Sundays per calendar year, including vacation. Special consideration will be given if he misses a Sunday due to church business (i.e. Baptist State Convention meetings) or congregational/personal emergencies.
· The pastor may respond/commit to invitations for no more than 2 revivals at fellow churches per year (not to be counted as vacation time).
· Master’s degree from an accredited seminary.
· Must agree with the Baptist faith and message approved by the Southern Baptist Convention.
· Minimum 5 years of experience in a Ministerial position.
Salary Position Definition:
· The Senior Pastor position will be considered salary and exempt.
Vacation and Sick Time:
· The Senior Pastor position will be granted vacation and sick time in accordance with “Green Acres Baptist Church Pastoral Staff Handbook,” Section III.
· Vacation time off should be arranged to not be away from church more than two consecutive Sundays.
· The Senior Pastor family healthcare, disability insurance, and dental will be negotiated as part of the initial hiring contract.
Send resume (including sermon links) to:
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ATTN: Pastor Search
Green Acres Baptist Church
901 Elberta Rd
Warner Robins, GA 31093